

Spex reads cdp gathers and produces four types of display:

  • Uncorrected gathers
  • Corrected gathers
  • Velocity spectrums
  • Stacks

Mute and velocity functions can be picked from the displays as appropriate.



Velocity Functions

Spex generalizes conventional dynamic corrections by allowing velocity passband functions ...

fuzzy velocities

Where the traces are dominated by coherent noise, the functions should be picked so as to exclude this noise. This apart, the velocity bands can be chosen arbitrarily wide - the stack will be at least as good as any conventional stack. Spex frees you from having to pick detailed velocity functions.
The displays are optionally colour–coded by velocity. Each such stack display will then show the estimated velocity at each stacked sample. The intensity of each colour is proportional to the coherence at the corresponding sample. These stack displays provide an immediate and striking view of the velocity field.


Here, a mute is picked, and a velocity function is chosen that excludes slower events ...



Stretch free NMO

By using Spex, nmo stretch can be made insignificant – compare conventional nmo corrections with Spex’s corrections:

No Stretch
